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Why Cutting Oil Maintenance Is Crucial For Preventing Metalworker Cancer

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Running a metalworking shop requires keeping your employees safe from any danger. One of the most problematic and mysterious of these concerns is cancer. While you can't prevent cancer from randomly developing in your employees, you can minimize their risk by regularly maintaining and cleaning your cutting oils.

Dirty Cutting Fluids Are Dangerous

Cutting oil gets quickly contaminated with bacteria, metal pieces, dirt, and other types of waste. This can cause your cutting oil to get sludgy and difficult to run. Even worse, it can cause it to either leak out of your machine or mist more heavily when your employers use their machines.

This problem wouldn't be so serious if dirty coolant wasn't so problematic. It can easily cause confusion, irritation, and other mental health problems when inhaled. Even worse, it could lead to the development of more serious health problems.

How It Can Lead To Cancer

While cutting oils are very safe if they are properly maintained, dirty cutting oils can be a very problematic situation. This fact is especially true if your workers aren't handling oils properly or allowing themselves to breathe the fumes. Studies have shown that exposure to cutting fluids could lead to dermatitis, burns, and even an increased risk of skin cancer.

This danger only increases if your oils are dirty. Perhaps this influence is why so many metalworkers suffer from cancer. Whatever the cause, you need to take steps to prevent it from getting worse. One of the best ways to do that is to perform regular maintenance on your dirty cutting oils to keep them from being a danger.

Regular Maintenance Is Crucial

If you want your metalworkers to avoid serious cancer risk, it is important to get your cutting oils maintained regularly. Thankfully, this process is something that is relatively easy to do. It also shouldn't put your workers at risk. First of all, start by carefully removing the dirty oil from the machine and flushing it with a cleaning solution.

Next, choose the type of cutting oil you want to use. Neat oils are a good choice because they require very little maintenance. This contrasts to straight oils because these must be filtered regularly. Whichever you choose, pour it into your machine carefully to avoid spills. Use a funnel, if necessary, and make sure to wear a face mask, goggles, and gloves when doing so.

By following these simple steps, you can protect your metalworkers and avoid any serious cancer risk. Keeping your employees safe ensures that they are happy, healthy, and working well to provide your customers with high-quality metalwork.
